3429 W Ball Rd, Anaheim, CA 92804

Keeping Your Hert Safe!

Owning one of the best electrician teams statewide gives Replay Electrical Services a significant edge over other electrical companies. For a start, there's the guarantee of the ideal solution for any problem you engage us for. Throw in the fact that we are always available for work and may also help to prevent damage with our inspection services and you have an emergency electrical service you can count on.

Business Hours

Our servicemen are always at your fingertips.

Service Area

Located in Anaheim, we discharge our service whenever required across Orange County.

Service Area

At our workshop, power restoration, wiring repair, circuit breaker repair, and other services requiring immediate response take us nothing. In the same vein, we supply the best installation electricians, so projects like electrical panel installation and outlet installation are straightforward, too. Top that with our light switch repair, circuit breaker repair, and light fixture repair services and you'll have a one-stop electrical shop for all challenges!

Year Established: 1999

Business Hours

Our servicemen are always at your fingertips.

Service Area

Located in Anaheim, we discharge our service whenever required across Orange County.